Papuman is a wedding card design service. We can design an extremely unique wedding card featuring the digital cartoon characters of bride, groom or anyone you like. If you want to go full shashka mode, we can even animate the card and print the actual cards for you.

Drawing the card

Papuman can design an extremely unique wedding invitation card for you. We will need the actual photos of characters you want us to draw and we will make them wear whatever you ask. You can order the atmosphere of your choice.

Animating the card

If you want something which makes your wedding far more special than anything you may have seen in your life. We can even animate the card, which can be used as a whatsapp invitation. Or it can be used in your wedding video.

Printing the cards

Traditional wedding cards are boring and outdated. Lets be honest, nobody even looks at them. We can print our cards for you so you can send them out to your friends and family. Its going to be a moment to remember for everybody involved in the ocassion.